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(181 - 200 of 4,946)


[Unidentified Hatless cowboy is riding and staying with his mount in front of chutes]
Chester Byers Roping, Pendleton, Oregon
Twenty four ox team Pioneer Parade El Reno, Okla. 1935
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc]
Mickey Hicks on "Billy the Kid" Jackson Hole Frontier Days
[Unidentified cowboy thrown from steer]
[Line of three Covered Wagons parading down cobblestone street in center of town]
Bob Boden Leaving "Mexico"
Slats Jacobs Wins First Money, North Platte Round-Up
Walter Eagle Trick Roper
Phil Emery Leaving "Sol Frank" Livingston Round-Up
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc in front of stand with some military personnel]
[Possibly Kid Roberts sending bull over automobile]
[Unidentified Cowboy somersaulting off bronc]
[Unidentified Rodeo Clown]
[Possibly Tommy Horner, Mildred Mix Horner, and Slim Welch standing on boardwalk]
Compliments of Little Tin Horn Hank Keenen
[Unidentified Cowboy on his knees in the dirt as bronc rears over him in front of chutes]
[Unidentified Cowboy riding bronc]
Loretta Buttler in Steer Riding Contest, Tri-State Round-Up
