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(181 - 200 of 4,925)


[Unidentified Cowgirl doing Hippodrome stand while spinning a rope in each hand]
[Unidentified Cowboy pointing a finger toward the sky atop a slightly rearing horse]
Chuck Wagon and Stage Coach Race of the Flying X Ranch.  Memphis Tenn.
Ward Watkins on "Old Baldy" Rocky Ford, Colo.
Lee Moore Hits the Dust Midland Empire Fair & Rodeo
Helen Kirkendahl on "Tar Baby" Memphis Fair & Rodeo
[Unidentified cowboy leaving steer in front of chutes]
Bud Doyle Leaving "Lee Rider"  Colo. State Fair
[Lavina Williams doing hippodrome stand]
[Tom Mix wearing buttons on lower leg of pants on horse with silver mounted tack]
Chuck Wagon Race Okla State Fair
McMacken on "Black Dempsey" Belle Fourche, So. Dak. 1925
Tom Parkins Reaching  But not for "White Coyote" Forsyth, Mont.
Blackie Russell Bulldogging Sheridan, Wyoming Rodeo
[Possibly Fred Beeson in dark shirt with white piping on horse with silver mounted bit & bridle]
[In profile, Young boy in flat-crowned hat standing with horse saddle]
Assiniboine Indians Wolf Point Stampede
[Unidentified Cowboy riding twisted and bucking bronc as others look on]
Gene Cook Leaving "Flaxie" Colo. State Fair
Johnnie Lee Wills and O. W. Mayo
