Search results

(1 - 20 of 779)


Doc Thorn on "Crazy Jane"
Bonnie McCarroll Champion Lady Rider on White Angle, Belle Fourche
Leonard Stroud going under his horse, while at Full Speed
Mrs. Coolidge, President Coolidge and Everlastinglyatit, No. 21
Jessie Coates on "Sky Rocket" Boseman Round-Up
Bonnie McCarroll Pendleton Round-up 1927
Bulldogging Wild Steer, Garden City Kansas.
Bonnie McCarroll Riding "Midget" Garden City Kansas
Chester Byers roping steer
Bonnie McCarroll Riding Wild Steer, Ada, Okla.
Dan Miller on "Dodger"
Pinkey Gist Bulldogging Cheyenne, Wyoming
Ray Bell Slipping from "Searchlight" Wichita Falls, Round-up
Frank McCarrol [sic] Makes a Clean Leap to the Steers Horns #99
Leonard Stroud Fancy Roping
Bonnie McCarroll Champion Lady Rider on White Angle, Belle Fourche
Bonnie McCarroll on Hi Binder, Weiser Round-up
Frank McCarroll bulldogging a Wild Steer, Sedro Woolley Round-up
