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Labyrinthine ways through the lava ash formation, Red Mountain Crater, Arizona
Fighting Moose, Locked Horns - Death by Starvation
Saddling an outlaw at Custer Trail Ranch
Miss Goldie St. Clair, Champion Lady Bucking Horse Rider of the World
Lucile [sic] Mulhall Lady Champion Roper, Walla Walla Frontier Days, 1914
Young mountaineers - a dangerous playground, Grand Canyon of Arizona
[Fort Assinniboine, Montana]
Mexico [Mexican cowboys]
[Hunter on post on a ridge]
From Red to San Francisco Mountains - a woody wilderness in sun-kissed Arizona
[Mountain man Seth Kinman in bear chair]
Hunters at lackside cabin with pack
A long-buried Chapter in the Tale of the Ages - Petrified Forest, Arizona
Mrs. Minor on Mose Walla Walla 1913
Cuba Crutchfield, at the Missoula Stampede 1916
