Search results

(1 - 20 of 400)


Col. Joe Miller mounted - Horse drinking
Tex McLeod on Ringling Show at Atlantic City
Leonard Stroud in the "Stroud Layout"
Unidentified cowboy spinning loop
Chester Byers
[Junior Eskew standing while spinning small loop]
[Junior Eskew standing while spinning small loop]
Tantlinger, Arena Director and Boss livestock
Unidentified cowboy on a ladder balancing on a tight rope while spinning rope
Sam Garrett spinning the Big Loop
Chet Byers & (Possibly Otto Kline)
[Junior Eskew building a honda for his cotton trick rope, Part 2]
Double catch by Junior Eskew and Buddy Mefford
Lenoard [sic] Stroud standing on head roping
Wm. Cody & Stage
