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…Willard on Red Sell at Aberdeen Round-up Sept 19-21, 1919
Askin Bros. Joyriding at Aberoeen Round-up Sept 19-21, 1919
[Cowboys preparing for branding]
Branding at Monument Lake V V N Ranch, 1898; J. A. Oden Roping
Venable on Crooked Carrie, Aberdeen round-up Sept 19-21
Hill gets his at the Aberdeen round-up Sept,19-21, 1919
[Cowboy cutting]
[Two cowboys hold down calf as one other brands it]
[Cowboy on galloping saddled horse]
Pip Davis from New York. Rope tied to Wagon Wheel. First time on a horse
Dragging [sic] a salty one out
[Three Cowboys branding]
B. Askin on Miss Shenise at Aberdeen Round-up Sept 19-21, 1919