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Everybody is Doing It, Even the Horses Ride at the Round-Up
Jackson Sundown on Angel, New Champion of the Wide World Buckaroo, Pendleton, Or.
Cowgirls Ready for the Bucking Contest, No. 10-E
C.E. Runyan on "Goodnight" Round-Up Pendleton OR. No. 35.A.
Jack Sundown on Long Tom riding in the bucking contest
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging A Steer Round-up, No. 2-E
L.W. Minor on Angel Winning Championship of the World…No. 304
Everett Wilson Lands at the RoundUp, No. 50-A
Bonnie McCarrol [sic] Before Riding Snake, Round-up 1915, No. 22-C
Bonnie McCarrol [sic] Before Riding Snake, Round-up 1915, No. 22-C
Fred Spain Bull Dogging Holding Steer with his Teeth at the RoundUp, No. 334
