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[Possibly Everett Colborn on horse with silver mounted tack, corona style pad]
R. Troube on "Odd Fellow"  Lewiston
Mary Williams Leaving Hair Trigger North Platte Roundup
[Two formally attired men stuffing mail into saddle bags of cowboy atop horse]
Warren Francis on "Terraplane" Colo State Fair Pueblo
Jim Wilkes on a High Stepping Steer, Tucumcari, N.M.
Cowboys Hand Picked "By Doubleday"
Doc Blackstone Bulldogging Memphis Fair & Rodeo
[Jim Whiteman fallen beneath steer]
Langley Leaving Serpent
Don McLaughlin 6 Year Old Trick Roper
Pinky Gist & Freckles
[Cecil Cornish doing Billy Keen Drag]
[Unidentified calf roper atop horse in front of flag bearers]
[Unidentified Hatless cowboy staying  with his mount as bronc goes airborne in front of stands]
[Vic Castro calf roping]
Homer Ward Making Wild Ride, Tex Austins Rodeo Chicago
Whitey Stewart on "Screw Driver" Oklahoma State Fair
As Advertised. Thrills & Spills
