Search results

(1 - 20 of 90)


[Possible Apache wikiup, canvas and grasses with traces of snow on the ground]
[Standing Indian woman blanketed with bearded possible government agent standing nearby]
Pawnee Father and Son, Pawnee School, 1902
Policeman, Crow Creek Agency, Nov. 1898
[Possible dam construction]
[Indian policeman posed on horse in front of log building]
[Possible Apache wikiup frame]
Chippewa Boys, Red Lake, Sept. 1898
Small Boys Pawnee School, Cleaning the School Grounds, 1902.
[Indian man standing beside carriage with two women in back]
[Indian children sitting on steps at front door of probable school building]
Pottwatomie Squaw waiting for annuity payment to begin, Nov. 1899
[Standing elderly Indian man wearing necklace with fence and rocky hill behind]
[Standing Indian woman holding child by fence]
[Three Indian men near possible telegraph pole]
Standing Rock. Standing Rock Agency, N.D.
Day's Trading Store, Chin Lee, Navajo Reservation, Nov. 1902
[Indian women sitting on ground in circle with Indian cowboy standing in center, social event]
[Sitting Indian woman with burden basket on ground in front of building]
