Search results

(1 - 20 of 3,491)


Fighting Moose, Locked Horns - Death by Starvation
Mable Strickland Roping Steer San Antonio, Texas
Doc Thorn on "Crazy Jane"
Miss Goldie St. Clair, Champion Lady Bucking Horse Rider of the World
Lucile [sic] Mulhall Lady Champion Roper, Walla Walla Frontier Days, 1914
…sopy Williams on 'Tragedy' San Antonio, Tex
Madonna mit kind
Munchen, Rathaus mit Frauenkirche
Mexico [Mexican cowboys]
Laird Leaving 'Pacing Davy' Bosema [sic] Round-Up
#9 Claud Adams Ashland, Mont. Rodeo 1928
Dugan Smith Thrown from 'Deer Wolf' Alan Stampede
[Six people on trail ride]
Paris--Tuileries Gardens and Pavillon de Marsan
Bonnie McCarroll Champion Lady Rider on White Angle, Belle Fourche
Palais de Versailles--The Chapel
