Search results

(1 - 20 of 30)


[Woman and little boy standing near a bush]
[4 men on an oil derrick]
Mr. J. A. Shelton, my dear grandpa
[portrait photograph of a woman]
[portrait photograph of the Ashland Cornet Band]
[4 women standing near a tree]
[Mr & Mrs. Bidwell near dugout]
[3 men with milk cows, 2 are holding milk pails]
[People standing in doorway of barn]
[People standing on porch]
[Man sitting in doorway of car,holding a puppy,a second man is looking in the drivers side window]
[photograph of a woman in a fancy hat]
[People standing near a small building]
[2 men standing in doorway of building]
J. S. Bidwell, Big Hart, Okla, near bridge
[4 men on an oil derrick]
Roxana, Okla.
[2 men and a woman standing near a building]
