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Buffalo on Miller Bros. 101 Ranch
Clyde Jones and his buffallo, Belle Fourche, So. Dak.
Clyde Jones riding buffalo, Belle Fourche, So. Dak, 1925
Please let me out, I want to go back
[Cowboys with buffalo herd]
A prize head worth at least ,500
A very mad little buffalo
After the swim, herd of wild buffaloes, Mont.
A fine pair in the world's finest buffalo herd
1973 W. H. A.
1973 W. H. A.
1973 W. H. A.
1973 W. H. A.
1973 W. H. A.
Buffalo Bull, Cow + Calf, Sully Hill Game Preserve  North Platte, Nebr.
Worth three and four thousand dollars a head
Protesting with all his mighty strength.
Yards at Ravalli made famous by the buffaloes
Monster buffaloes estimated to weigh 2,000 pounds.
