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Lex Connelly & Bill Buschbom
Group portrait of Milburn Stone & Billy Buschbom
Billy Buschbom & horses
Group portrait Billy Buschbom & Ken Curtus
Billy Buschbom & horses
Bill Bushbom on "Kangaroo" Ricker Ranch Rodeo, Lake Delton, Wisc.
Billy Buschbom
Bill Buschbom & Six Roger
Bill Buschbom Calf Roping
Billy Buschbom
Billy Buschbom
Billy Buschbom
Billy Buschbom Specialty act
Bill Buschbom
Billy Buschbom & Sir Roger
Bill Buschbom
Bill Buschbom horses
Bill Buschbom horses
Bill Buschbom horses