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(1 - 20 of 37)


[Foghorn Clancy and Col. Eskew]
Col. Jim Eskew, Doc Brady, Herb Maddy, Fog Horn Clancy
[Fog Horn Clancy and a group at WPDQ radio]
Foghorn Clancy 1-10-42
[Fog Horn Clancy and others at WHN radio]
[Foghorn Clancy in medium shot in front of trailer]
[Foghorn Clancy packing his pipe]
Fog Horn Clancy, Maudine Marks and committeemen of Houston
Foghorn Clancy & Helen
[Foghorn Clancy standing with rope]
Foghorn, Bonnie & unidentified cowgirl
Foghorn, Bonnie & unidentified cowgirl
Compliments from John A. Stryker, Kearney, Nebr., St. Joe 1920
Foghorn Clancy
