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(1 - 20 of 28)


Jack Tracey on "Will James" Billings Fair
Jesse Jones on Will James
What "Will James" Done to John Hedman
Chet McCarty on "Will James" Colo. State Fair, Pueblo
Wart Baughman on Will James
Turk Greenough Wins Bucking Contest, Billings Fair on "Will James"
Bob Henry on Will James
Nick Knight Leaving "Will James" Billings, Mont.
Jack Shields Thrown from "Will James"
Tex Martin on Will James
[Bill Pearse suspended in air over his saddle on "Will James"]
Doug Linderman on Wll James
Will James Sits Down on Jack Hughes
Gene Pruett on Will James
Ed Akridge on Will James
Rod Kelley on Will James
Tater Decker on Will James
G.W. Cox off Wild James
That Great Bucking Horse of Leo Cremers "Will James" throwing Leo Murray, Billings Fair
Chick Hannon on "Will James" Cody Stampede
