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(1 - 20 of 46)


[Indian village of tipis at base of mountain]
Clarence Parker Ranch Minot, N.D.
By Devere, Candid from Arena "Scoreboard"
Ox Yoke Ranch from Rim (Between two trees)
By Devere, Candid from Arena "Scoreboard"
By Devere, Candid from Arena "Scoreboard"
[Unidentified Cowgirl in a field where a herd of Buffalo have gathered]
Ellensburg Arena
Drying Ground
[Wrought Iron fence-enclosed cemetery]
By Devere, Candid from Arena "Scoreboard"
Tr Court
Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo-1933
Indian Village
The kind of crowds they had at the Fair, Great Falls, Mont.
[Two bridges, one railroad the other pedestrian]
Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo-1933
[Bush sculpture of man on horse on raised shrubbery platform]
Overton, Tex.
