Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,083)


Roger Langford on Jay Bird
Raymond Brown Steer wrestling
Unidentified Rodeo clown Bull fighting
Unidentified children [Possibly T.J. Lucia & Jeffrey Dryden]
Ernie Vest kids & Roy Rogers
Rodeo clowns Glen Urban & Kajun Kid Bull figjhting with Bull #29
Chas. Lowry Steer wrestling
Dug Sams Steer wrestling
Roy Rogers Jr. - Ky Colonel
Jr. Garrison Calf roping, 11.1 Sec
Jim Brewer on Chief Many Wounds
Dave Price on Rocky Butte
Flag bearers
Jan Jones Barrel racing
Ernie Vest on Freckles
Bobby Nixon on Indian Paint
Elber Van Doran Steer wrestling
Don Gonsalves on Quick Draw
Larry Mahan Calf roping, 12.2 Sec
