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(1 - 15 of 15)
Buddy Peak off #110 (Wiley McCray fighting)
Wiley McCray - Art Holliday on #18
Wiley - Zeke (Barrel over) & Bull
Wiley - Zeke & Bull
[Wiley McCray doing a shoulder stand on galloping horse]
Rex Allen & Wiley
Jim Schumacher & Wiley McCray & Bull
Wiley McCray pulls #A62 off Bob Cook
Wiley McCay & Cockleburr
Wiley McCray and Bull down at Barrell
Wiley McCray Bull fighter   (Lindon Little off 31)
Zeke & Wiley McCray
Buck Dowell off #7 K (Wiley McCray)
Wiley McCray and Bull at Barrel
Wiley McRae & Candy Coverdale