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(1 - 15 of 15)
Milt Moe on "Dan-A-Mite" Sayre Rodeo
[Milt Moe doing header over head of "Dark Alley"]
Milt Moe on "Skillett Head" Vinita Rodeo
Milt Moe on "San Miguel"  Cow Capital Round-Up Kissimmee, Fla
[Possibly Milt Moe on horseback horse with silver bit and mountings]
Milt Moe on Tea Trader
[Possibly Milt Moe standing in front of bushes]
Milt Moe on 'Flaxey' Oklahoma State Fair
Milt Moe on 'Tea Trader'
Milt Moe Bulldogging Pampa Rodeo
Milt Moe St. Wrestle
Milt Moe Thrown from Wild Steer Memphis, Tenn.
[Possibly Milt Moe posing]
[Milt Moe riding and staying with his bronc "Fiddleface" in front of eleven chute structure]
Milt Moe Throw from Wild Steer All American Rodeo