Search results

(1 - 20 of 157)


Clowns, Wick Peth & Chuck Henson
Wick Peth
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth Bull Fighting by Helen
Wick Peth taking bull off Cowboy ( Ernie Windorf off Chilco Radar)
Wick Peth & Jerry Olsen
Wick Peth  (Devere)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Bern Gregory & Wick Peth
Wick Peth bull fighting with #4 Shoulders' Tornado
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Wick Peth to rescue of Newt Wright off Squaw Butte  (R)  (After Rodeo)
Wick Peth  (Posed) (Regular Clothes)
Wick Peth (Post Negatives)
Hank Sproul hung up on #77  (AJ)  Wick Peth to the rescue
Wick Peth on Buster
