Search results

(1 - 20 of 10,247)


Bill George
Paul Templeton  (Pose)
Mark Schricker  candid
Unknown receiver of MGRA Novice Barrel Race 2 award
Rick Young in mud
Shirlie Stevenson, boy on pony
Button Woods  (Pose)
Monroe Veach
Mr & Mrs Sturza  (Pose)
Hoss Allen  (Posed)
Clyde & Johnnie Alred  (Posed)
Gus Bartley and Girl  (Posed)
Rodeo Queen Kim Berry
Zeb Bell
Mrs Bill Kendall on Penny
Lisa Bailey Flag bearer
Buddy Neal  (Posed)
[Unidentified Cowboy holding rope away from body atop horse between car and truck]
Unidentified Jaycee
[Unidentified Cowboy in narrow striped pants on horse with thick mane; chutes and cowboys behind]
