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(1 - 20 of 20)
[Possibly Sally Rand on horseback with four uniformed men on horses with English saddles]
[Possibly Sally Rand sitting on jeep amidst military men]
[Possibly Turk Greenough, Sally Rand, & Margie & Alice Greenough on horses]
[Possibly Sally Rand leaning against automobile at a street corner advertising the rodeo]
[Unidentified cowboy and possibly Sally Rand by announcer's platform]
[Possibly Sally Rand sitting on gate]
[Leo Cremer and Possibly Sally Rand on matched white horses being held by unidentified man]
[Possibly Leo Cremer and Sally Rand on horses]
[Possibly Lynn Beutler, Sally Rand, and Eddie Curtis posed in front of chutes]
[Possibly Sally Rand & Turk Greenough in military attire on horses]
[Possibly Sally Rand on horse in front of announcer]
[Possibly Sally Rand sitting on saddle in front of unidentified cowboy with "Cremer" chaps]
[Turk Greenough, Sally Rand, Margie Greenough, and Alice Greenough on horses]
Turk and Sally's Wedding
Sally (Rand) Greenough, Red Lodge, Mont.
Turk and Sally's Wedding Party, Glendora, Calf.
Greenough-Rand wedding party
Sally (Rand) Greenough, Red Lodge, Mont.
Sally (Rand) Greenough, Red Lodge, Mont.