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(1 - 20 of 34)


Cowgirls at the Round Up
Florence Randolph on "Buzzard"
Florence Randolph Lady Champion Trick Rider
Florence Hughes Randolph
Tad Lucas Florence Randolph
[Nine Cowgirls in front of gate]
[Florence Hughes Randolph in studio pose]
[Florence Hughes Randolph posed by horse]
[Tad Lucas & Florence Randolph on horses in street]
Florence Randolph Lady Champion Trick Rider
[Florence Hughes Randolph]
Florence Fenton Trick riding Tex Austin's Rodeo Chicago
Donna Glover, Tom Bay, Florence Hughs
[Rodeo clowns, cowgirls, cowboys and cowboy band]
Florence Randolph on Buzzard
Florence Hughes Randolph
Vera McGinnis, Bonnie McCarroll, Prairie Rose, Florence Hughes: Cowgirls Garden City Round-Up
[Seven cowgirls in a stable area]
Vera McGinnis, Bonnie McCarroll, Prairie Rose, Florence Hughes: Cowgirls Garden City Round-Up
