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(1 - 20 of 25)


Ken Roberts  (Posed)
[Ken Roberts on bronc as Judge Harry Tracey runs alongside]
Ken Roberts on #12 Bull
[Ken Roberts riding Tumbleweed as other cowboys standing and sitting near chutes look on]
[Ken Roberts riding Saddle Bronc "Payday" his right arm stiff behind him]
Ken Roberts on Bull #30
Ken Roberts on Bull #30
Ken Roberts informal
Ken, E.C. & Gerald Roberts
Ken, E.C. & Gerald Roberts
[Ken Roberts staying with Saddle Bronc "Dumpwagon"]
Ken Roberts on Bull #7
Ken Roberts on "Rasputin" Dodge City Rodeo
Ken Roberts on "Star" Pampa Rodeo
[Possibly Ken Roberts sitting near rail]
Ken & E.C. Roberts
[Possibly Eddie Curtis, Ken Roberts, and unidentified cowboy]
Ken Roberts on "Green River" Okla. Free State Fair, Muskogee
Ken Roberts on Bull #25
Ken Roberts, Red Dougherty, Ronnie Bowman, & David Glover
