Search results

(1 - 20 of 76)


Bob Robinson on Billy Buck
Bob Hare Steer Wrestling
Steve Giddings & Little Booger
Bob Ragsdale Steer Wrestling
Lowell James on #35 Sharkie
Ace Berry on Jambalaya
Jim Roeser on Heaven Bound
C.T. Jones Steer Wrestling
Glyn Evans off Red Lady
Ed Le Tourneau on J15 Twister
C.T. Jones Calf roping
Howard Carroll on Jumbalaya
Ellie Lewis on Pokey Dot
Wild Buffalo Stampede
Buffalo in Chute
Clyde May on #23 Wheel of Fortune
Jack Roddy Steer Wrestling
Wilbur Plaugher family
June Ivory & Linda Rosser
Lee Farris Calf Roping
