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(1 - 20 of 48)


Red Sublett, N.Y. rodeo, Mad. Sq. Garden
Fritz Truan takes time out for a dance, Madison Square Garden Rodeo
Paddy Ryan Bulldogging Tex Austins Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York
Madison Square Garden Rodeo 1930's The boys are the McGlaughlin Brothers
Tex Austin and his cowgirls, Yankee Stadium
Of the world, N York City
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging at Tex Austin's Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York
On the roof of Madison Sq. Garden, New York City
David Shellenberger New York 48
N.Y. N.Y. David Shellenberger
Bull no. 13 N.Y., N.Y.
Eight Cowgirls [applied title]
Bonnie McCarroll on "Morning Glory" Tex Austin's Rodeo, Yankee Stadium, New York City
