Search results

(1 - 20 of 58)


Jim Schumacher off 37
Jim Schumacher on Slantin' Anne
Jimmy Schumacher on Bull #50
Jim Schumacher on #36
Jim & barrel
Jim Shumacher
Buddy Heaton - Jim Schumacher & Bull
Jim Schumacher in Barrel
YX and Clowns Plaugher & Schumacher
Jim & Sidney Schumacher
Jim Schumucher on Piute
Jim & barrel
Jim Schumacher  (Pelvis Mesley playing guitar)
Jim Schumacher  Pose  in Clown Makeup
Jim Scumacher holding  Pose
Jim Schumacher on Bottoms Up
Jim Schumacher in Pickup hitting phone booth
Clowns & Bull  (Schumacher & Mike Cervi)
Jim Schumacher as Elvis Presley
Andy Womack-Jim Schumacher in Barrel
