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Moving End of the Trail, 6-21-94
End of the Trail
Roosevelt Statue, Minot, N.D.
[Remuda, E. O. T., Founders Hall, New Permanent Gallery]
[Dioramas & Coming Through the Rye, 10-19-1981]
Moving End of the Trail, 6-21-94
Coming Through the Rye delivery
Moving End of the Trail, 6-21-94
Coming Through the Rye delivery
[Coming Through the Rye]
End of the Trail
[Coming Through the Rye]
Buffalo Bill Sculpture
Moving End of the Trail, 6-21-94
Virgil Browne bust dedication Founder's Hall/Dec. 1977
Buffalo Bill Dedication-June 19, 1977
Erecting Buffalo Bill-June 1977
Installing Welcome Sundown
Erecting Buffalo Bill-June 1977
