Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,191)


Laurel Ives down (off) Indian Killer
Joe Green off #52
Joe Losen Trick Riding Sidney Iowa Rodeo
Don Byrd on  ?
Bob McCauly on #B14
Lynn Buetler (Gomer) Jake Beutler
Leonard Lancaster on Dunbar
Charlie Metrose on Lemon Drop
Joe Green on #134
Doug Thurman on Old Sorrel
Bob Shoulders on #47
Leonard McCravey on Unlucky
Dean Myers  SW
[Eddie Curtis staying on Saddle Bronc "Colonel" with chutes 4 through 8 to left]
Louis Brooks on "Sketz" Sidney Iowa Rodeo
Sonny Worrell  SW
Neil Love Steer Wrestling
Ed Conway on #112
Buddy Lutle  CR
Charlie Metrose on #78
