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Rose Smith Trick Riding
Rose Smith Takes a Bad Fall
[Kirnan, Smith, Strickland, Hastings, Roach, and Randolph Studio portrait]
[Rose Smith studio portrait]
Bonnie Rose "Pals"
Eleven Cowgirls & flipping the Bird
Rose Smith Takes a Bad Fall, McKinney, Tex
Eleven Cowgirls & flipping the Bird
Rose Smith standing by horse
Eleven Cowgirls
Rose Smith, Bonnie Gray, Bonnie McCarroll
Rose Smith Riding High on Easy Money
Rose, Ralph, Ruth, & C. B.
Rose Smith Riding High on Easy Money
Bonnie Rose "Pals"
Rose Smith on "Jiggs" Pendleton Round-Up
Cowgirls at the Los Angeles Round-up
Dan & Rose Smith on horses
[Seven cowgirls and a mule]
Cowgirls Cheyenne Frontier Days 1926