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(1 - 20 of 679)


[Unidentified Cowgirl jumping through vertical rope loop]
Montie Montana Sommersalt Catch
Fig Newton Spinning three ropes Alliance Rodeo
Brown Jug two loops
Montie Montana 6 Horses Catch
J.W. Stoker Trick roper
Montie Montana Catching Four Horsemen
Pinky Barnoski Trick Roping
[Possibly Earl Strauss atop stationary horse spinning a rope loop around himself and horse]
Mary Brossit Trick roper & Charlston Dancer
Buck Abbott, Spinning wedding ring
Jack Webb roping "101" Ranch
Bobbie Clack Spinning Three Ropes Ark-Okla Rodeo
[Possibly Junior Eskew jumping through vertical rope loop atop stationary horse]
Walter Eagle Trick Roper
Compliments of Little Tin Horn Hank Keenen
Opal Woods Making a Four Horse Catch Vinita, Okla Rodeo
Montie Montana Jr.
Charro Gomez Trick roping
