Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,450)


[Jim Whiteman fallen beneath steer]
Pinky Gist & Freckles
[Unidentified calf roper atop horse in front of flag bearers]
As Advertised. Thrills & Spills
[Unidentified cowgirl with lightning stripe on pants and cowboy with horse, row of houses behind]
[Unidentified lady trick rider standing by horse]
[Nell Lingle riding bronc]
Tex Sherman "Out of the Chutes" Ranch Romances Magazine
Mamie Stroud
Louis Tindall
[Doubleday with Camera]
[Cowgirl atop elk steadied by Shorty Sutton]
[Monte Reger atop Bobby the steer between perhaps a mounted Frank Hafley & Mamie Francis]
Cowgirls with the JE Ranch Rodeo
[Possibly Floyd Gale in hat, jacket and tie with Pinto horse wearing trick riding saddle]
[Unidentified muddied cowgirl with horse, spectators look on]
[Fred Alvord posed by open car door]
[Unidentified woman in western hat posed by fence]
