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(1 - 20 of 126)


Frank Chetwood on "Hard Times" Wolf Point Rodeo
Dick Slappert on "O. T. Stennes" Wolf Point Stampede
Jack Tracy on "Blue Moon" Wolf Point Stampede
Dave Ship on "Midnight" Wolf Point Stampede
Pinkey Gist & Mickey at Wolf Point Stampede
Alvin Anderson on "Easy Money" Wolf Point Stampede
Geo. Bear Skin Leaving "Big Bear" Wolf Point Stampede
Roman Standing Race, Wolf Point Stampede
Assiniboine Indians Wolf Point Stampede
Burel Mulkey on "Midget" Wolf Point Stampede
[Group of Indian men, women, and children in native dress in arena]
Indians at The Wolf Point Stampede
Nick Cojocar Leaving "Bill Burnison" Wolf Point
Mert Osness on "Rainbow" Wolf Point Stampede
Stub Bartlemay on "Blue Moon", Wolf Point Stampede
Ray Maveridy on "Kick a Mile" Wolf Point Rodeo
Buck Davis on "Hell To Set" Wolf Point Stampede
Whitey Rains on "Big Wolf" Wolf Point Stampede
Indian Band Wolf Point , Mont. Rodeo
Vic Schwartz on "Zero" Wolf Point Rodeo
