The scrapbook contains many photographs and newspaper clippings spanning Burson's career as a trick rider and Hollywood stunt woman.

- ? Oklahoma

- Ann & Howard "Tippets Valley"

- Ann Blyth and white horse

- Annie & Johnnie Holding "Paria Canyon"

- Annie & Howard "Tippets Valley"

- Annie, Paria Canyon

- Annie, Paria Canyon

- Being presented a check after winning the Roy Rogers Handicap

- Bellevue Hospital, NY

- Bernice Dorsey, Mary I, Faye K, Polly Burson

- Dick Griffith, Polly Burson, Fay Blessing, Myrtle Goodrich, Bernice Dorsey, Buff Brady, Jr.

- Homer Holcomb, Bernice Dorsey, Polly Burson