The photographs in this collection show trick ropers and riders Leonard Stroud and his wife Mayme Saunders Stroud performing their acts at rodeos in the 1920s and 1930s. It also features other rodeo contestants and entertainment acts.
- Clyde Jones and his buffallo, Belle Fourche, So. Dak.
- Clyde Jones riding buffalo, Belle Fourche, So. Dak, 1925
- Cowboy Reunion Las Vegas New Mexico, 1918
- Cowboy looking for a place to light
- Cowgirls in bucking contest
- Deadwood Dick & Everlastingly at it put at gold discovery days Custer So. Dak.
- Dedication of Will Rogers Shrine, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Dorothy Morrell on "Pinto Pete", Cheyenne Frontier Days
- Doug Avery unloading Ski - Hi Stampede
- Douglas Fairbanks, Lee Robinson, Tex Austin, Dave Whyte, Bronc rider Calf roper, Madison Sq. Garden
- Dutch Foster going down on Desparado Ski-Hi Stampede
- Ed Evans on "SkyRocket"