Search results

(1 - 20 of 66,668)


Clowns, Buck La Grande, Jimmy Schumacher, Kajun Kid  (2 negs)
Laurel Ives down (off) Indian Killer
Shoat Webster Steer Roping
Claude Morris on Blackout
Bill George
Steer Wrestling 4th Go
Joe Green off #52
Neal Love Calf Roping
Norman Edge off Cochice  (CB)
Harley May on Reckless George
Red Van Bell  SW
Benny Reynolds  Reservation Red  (Fittig)
[Unidentified Woman in formal attire presenting buckle & shaking hands with unidentified cowboy]
Paul Templeton  (Pose)
Grand Stand & Crowd
James Stewart presenting Trophies to Dallas winners
Dennis Reiners on Bald Hornet  (Kr)
Kenny McLean on Redmond
Mildred Farris Barrel Race
