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(1 - 20 of 122)


Al Wilkinson on "He'll Do" Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo
Ten Horse Hitch Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo Parade
[George Burroughs calf roping]
Cecil Henley on "Buster Brown", Sheridan Rodeo
Mary Kay Archibald Queen of Rodeo Mrs. Jeanette Peabody Queen for a Day, Sheridan Rodeo
[Unidentified cowboy and steer fallen with tipis in background
Micky Hicks on "Harmstrom" Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo
Frank McCarroll Bulldogging Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo
Earl Thode on "Polly" Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo
Bernice Dean Trick Riding Sheridan, Wyo.
[Indian men on horseback parading down crowded street]
[Mounted Indian men parading down spectator lined street]
Mark Bearow on Cisco kid
Sheridan, Wyo. Rodeo Parade
[Ten horse team pulling wagon down a Sheridan street]
What "Will James" Done to John Hedman
[Special guests in box seats with a grandstand of spectators behind them]
Blackie Russell Bulldogging
[Unidentified Cowboy riding and staying with his mount in front of chutes]
R. O. Reynolds on "Bar Kee" Sheridan, Wyo.
